About PNI

The Presbytery of Northern Illinois (PNI) is a collection of Presbyterian churches seeking to communicate God’s grace to a world broken by sin. We know the brokenness of this world because it affects each one of us. We know the grace of God because by the power of his Holy Spirit he has brought us to know his Son, Jesus. In Jesus we have found the forgiveness of our sins, reconciliation to our Heavenly Father, the transforming power of the Spirit, and the hope of the resurrection. We long for all people to know the grace of God, that they too might know these gifts of forgiveness, power, and hope.

The churches of PNI are in Illinois from Springfield, north to the Wisconsin border, excluding Chicago (which is its own Presbytery). If you are looking for a church in Illinois, please take a look at our churches page. If you’d like to know more about what we believe, check out the Westminster Standards.

Our Churches